It was quite the busy Saturday for us. Nick & Ella took Charlie for his first haircut. He went to Nick's barber who isn't used to cutting kids hair. Poor Charlie did not like the experience. Once he got to sit on Dad's lap, life got a little better (but not by much). You can tell Charlie was really moving his head during the cut, the line around his head is a little crooked!
Ella's shoes broke this week so we went to pick out some new shoes for fall. They are a size and a half bigger than the last pair we bought. I thought she had a little growth spurt, but its hard to tell when we see her everyday. It's probably good her shoes broke or she would still be trying to squeeze into the same pair.
Greta, Hogan & I joined Jessica & Kevin on a hike to Dog Lake this morning. I haven't been hiking for two years - now that summer is almost over, I finally made it out! For the most part, Greta was a good sport. She was ready for a nap 1/2 way up the hill which was challenging. It really sounded like she was trying to call Hogan when he would run into the woods after a squirrel. My legs (& neck from carrying Greta awkwardly) are very sore. I don't want to think about what I am going to feel like tomorrow.
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