Charlie is so proud that he can stand. Greta & Ella will clap for him & he gets a big smile on his face & starts to join them in clapping, but abruptly stops when he realizes his balance will be thrown off. He doesn't have Greta's leg strength, so he doesn't do squats like she did. But if you put him on the ground, he will stand for a few minutes before sitting down. When you reach your hands out for him to walk to you, he leans forward as far as he can to try to reach safety before moving his feet off the ground. I think it took Greta about month from this stage to really start walking. Charlie might be walking by Halloween!
Like all little boys, he loves cars & he is tracking the neighbors fabulously noisy car in the pictures.
Today was a banner day for Ella. She was leader of the day which means we brought the snack for the classroom, she sat by Miss Ruby in circle time, she got to put all of the important information on the class calendar (accompanied by a singing weather report), she sang a song to the class, told a story, picked a special book to bring (one from her cousin Nicole), and brought a special toy for show & tell. Since the kids are learning phonetics, we thought her leapfrog game was the perfect item. Ella had her first Spanish class today. She said they learned how to say "red." We were glad she had fun, because she was not looking forward to it. She reported that her friend Noah knew how to say "falcon" in Spanish. Dad suggested that she ask Miss Teresa how to say "I need to brush my teeth." Ella thought that was a fabulous idea. Tomorrow she has her first art/music class (we aren't sure which one). The icing on the day was that we learned that Miss Brooke will be offering another ballet class this fall. Ella is thrilled. And we are happy she is getting additional use out of the ballet attire we invested in.
Our weekend was great, but busy. My friend Kari & I had a spa day (well, half day, but it was still fabulous) to celebrate getting through out first year with twins (& a 4 year old) and to do some planning for volunteer activities at the kids' Montessori school. The relaxed feeling was short lived as I did a Costco run afterward. We thought our bills would go down once the twins were off formula. Boy were we wrong. How can two little things that barely register on the weight chart increase our grocery bill so significantly?
Sunday, Nick & Ella gave Hogan a bath & we played around the house until time for our evening party. Nick was very pleased with the smoked salmon he made with his new smoker (a belated Father's Day Gift).
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