In the past, I have avoided resolutions because they seem doomed for failure. Last year I made the same resolution I've made for many years - to run a 5K. The half-marathon topped that & then some! It's been a great year in many respects, but I am especially proud of completing the running goal & look forward to running in the Salt Lake City marathon in the spring.
Nick was really gung-ho to come up with 12 goals for the year. I didn't read the article that inspired him & I am a little leery that we are setting ourselves up for failure 12 times. But, here are the lists we came up with:
1. Exercise at least 3 days a week
2. Be more relaxed around the house with the kids
3. Be more thoughtful
4. Ski more with Ella
5. Bike more
6. Have 3 of my representatives in the Top 10 at year end
7. Run a half marathon
8. Pack a lunch 3 days a week
9. Have & stick to a savings plan
10. Bed at 10 pm every work night
11. Read a book a month
12. Cook dinner 3 nights a week
1. Clear out excesses - I am looking forward to a year of focusing on the important things in my life
2. Join a photo project
3. Have more patience with the kids
4. Write more letters
5. Spend wisely
6. Plan weekly menus
7. Learn at least one new thing on the computer or camera each week
8. Move! - I've got my eye on the April half marathon
9. Have more date nights - we are going to need more time to connect & decompress as we enter the terrible two's- times two
10. journal more
11. plan more family events
12. go skiing
I also decided to choose an inspirational word this year. I picked grace. To me, this encompasses so many of my goals & is a good reminder to slow down & enjoy the small moments in our lives. We made our lists separately, but we had a lot of overlap (though our word choices may differ).
Ella joined our resolution list this year. I'll let you guess which ones she came up with on her own & which ones were suggested by us & approved by Ella:
1. Learn to ice skate
2. try to whine less
3. try more grown-up food
4. learn to juggle
5. learn to dribble a basketball
6. keep room clean
7. learn to read & write in her journal
So, it's the end of January 1st. Is everyone still on track to keep their resolution(s)?
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