I'm still in denial that my baby gets 6 candles on her cake this year. Ms. Ella's turns the big 0-5 today. She is over the top excited. This year will bring the tooth fairy, kindergarten, winter sports camp and much more glory.
If the stars align for me, I hope to pick up a movie (Ella wants pizza & movie night) & cupcakes from one of the TWO new cupcakes shops in town.
We had a little celebration when Mom was in town last week. Tonight will be round two. Saturday is her birthday party & Monday she is leader of the day at school (cupcakes again). This is one kid who's living like a Queen.
I've been so focused on recording the changes of the twins over the last year, that I forget to mention how much Ella is changing. In the past year, she has learned to swim, hit a wiffle ball, hit a golf ball, sound out all her letters, navigate to her games on the internet, take a shower on her own, skiing, ice skating, & ballet.
Ella's a good big sister who loves Greta & Charlie. It has to be tough to be the big sister to such a spectacle.
She's developed several crushes on boys this year. She always stays true to Noah & Carson (& Ethan as her long distance friend). Once she started her new school, we heard all about Cameron. She "prematurely" grayed her father by telling him that she kissed Cameron (it sounds more like accidental meeting). This week, I heard a new name - Eric. She told me that I didn't know him because she just met him. He's an older boy, nearly 7 & in the elementary program. Apparently, she caught a ball at recess. "Do you know what Eric said Mom?" "He said 'good job.'" - and then she got a big smile on her face. As long as she keeps finding the boys who are supportive, her Dad & I will be happy.
If the stars align for me, I hope to pick up a movie (Ella wants pizza & movie night) & cupcakes from one of the TWO new cupcakes shops in town.

We had a little celebration when Mom was in town last week. Tonight will be round two. Saturday is her birthday party & Monday she is leader of the day at school (cupcakes again). This is one kid who's living like a Queen.
I've been so focused on recording the changes of the twins over the last year, that I forget to mention how much Ella is changing. In the past year, she has learned to swim, hit a wiffle ball, hit a golf ball, sound out all her letters, navigate to her games on the internet, take a shower on her own, skiing, ice skating, & ballet.
Ella's a good big sister who loves Greta & Charlie. It has to be tough to be the big sister to such a spectacle.
She's developed several crushes on boys this year. She always stays true to Noah & Carson (& Ethan as her long distance friend). Once she started her new school, we heard all about Cameron. She "prematurely" grayed her father by telling him that she kissed Cameron (it sounds more like accidental meeting). This week, I heard a new name - Eric. She told me that I didn't know him because she just met him. He's an older boy, nearly 7 & in the elementary program. Apparently, she caught a ball at recess. "Do you know what Eric said Mom?" "He said 'good job.'" - and then she got a big smile on her face. As long as she keeps finding the boys who are supportive, her Dad & I will be happy.
Though Dora is still acceptable, we can feel the tides shifting. Hello Kitty is making a more prominent presence in our home. She had a dance party at school to High School Musical. The Wiggles have been banished for what seems like an eternity. "Word Girl" from PBS seems like a good influence, I'm not sure I can say the same about the Disney pre-teen movies!
Though she's growing up, every so often, she turns her head a particular way & looks at us the same way she did in our first few days together.
Happy Birthday little bunny!
1 comment:
Great post Krista. I can't believe all of Ella's accomplishments this year, you all have been busy! And I really can't believe she is 5. Where does the time go? Congratulations on raising such a successful girl, and good luck with the boy craziness!!
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