Our friends ordered 100 pounds of crawfish & we were lucky enough to score an invite to the party. I got lucky that Nick was willing to clean a few for me & they were unbelievably tasty. I was a bit hesitant because growing up in Indiana we had little things we called crawdads in our streams & they were nasty looking. These guys didn't look much better, but they were fabulous.
The pre-soak. You can see Greta looking on. Chef Paul is below.

The twins were excited on the way over because they knew we were going to their friend's home. But, once we arrived, they reverted into typical parallel play mode. Funny that toddlers don't seem to mind being snubbed at the party. They acted like they had never seen Stephen before.

Charlie alternated between being shy & being a party animal. He grabbed lots of legs - most of which did not belong to Nick.

We prepped Ella that we would probably be the first to leave since Nick & I had a babysitter lined up for Jessica's since canceled dinner party. She was not happy to say the least. Here she is with Carson, one of her friends since {almost} birth. His Mom Cindy very generously volunteered to drive Ella home from the party. She was over-the-top thrilled. The babysitter said she could not stop talking about the party & excitedly exclaimed that she ate 4 crawfish. When she repeated the story in the morning, we immediately called Cindy to ask where our real daughter was. This girl eyes a new ice cream flavor suspiciously.
Can you tell I forgot to adjust the white balance on my camera before the party?

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