Monday, December 15, 2008

Santa Baby

Ten Things I Love About This Photo:

1. The red dresses. Greta wanted to wear a red one just like Ella.
2. The hand holding. Greta was so brave to sit on Santa's lap, but needed the safety of her big sister.
3. Ella's fingernails. Chipped paint leftover from a special day with Grandma.
4. Greta's headband. Greta desperately wanted a haircut when Charlie got one this weekend. "I growing hair, Mommy."
5. Greta's face. She was scared, but brave enough to tell Santa she wanted a baby for Christmas.
6. The Gray Towels. My friend Kari looked at her Christmas photo & wondered why there was a pile of towels in the corner. It's an elephant. The zoo didn't really hit a homerun with their Santa display this year.
7. Ella's confidence. I swear I can see her growing before my eyes. She's being such a good big sister here but you can see she's anxious to take care of business with Santa too.
8. Santa. He's about 23.
9. Sisters.
10. The colors. Sunday morning I realized I had forgotten to select Christmas dresses for the girls. I found these cute dresses in their closets & the reds look so festive against Santa's beard.

And, in case you were wondering, here's where the little guy was (official zoo photo). Loving the lollipop, but not the big guy: He was like the little kid in A Christmas Story - he still managed to yell "truck" to Santa despite freezing in his presence.


Poozoe said...

That photo is a keeper for SURE!
I'm so impressed you had matching red dresses in their closets. Greta's hair looks so pretty.

Monica said...

Great post Krista! You're a great mom and a great blogger. And I love the postscript of Charlie yelling, "Truck!" (from a safe distance). That is hilarious.