Legend has it that when Brigham Young descended into the Salt Lake Valley, he declared "This is the place" (insert question mark for a little local humor). Ella's class had a field trip to the heritage park. We sat in a one room house, washed some clothes in washbin, did a little gardening, saw some goats & printed a newspaper all before lunch. I was so impressed with how good the kids were. The teachers are amazing. This was the first field trip where Ella didn't glue herself to my side. She was independent & confident & that was nice to see.
As the only girl in the kindergarten class (and one of 4 girls from last year's class), Ella has a lot of buddies in the class. Lately, she's taken a special liking to Iain.
I think the feeling is mutual.
As the only girl in the kindergarten class (and one of 4 girls from last year's class), Ella has a lot of buddies in the class. Lately, she's taken a special liking to Iain.

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