At the beginning of the summer, we each listed what we wanted to do while the weather is nice. By the end of July we had almost completed our check list. Big Sky. Check. Park. Check. Play with friends. Check. Go swimming. Check.
My must-do event was Bear Lake. The last two summers, the kids & I have gone to Bear Lake with Jessica & Kevin. We always have fun (even that time Charlie got car sick all the way home). The lake has gorgeous blue warm water, there is a really big sand bar so the kids can play, they have the best raspberry shakes & its only a 2 hour drive from home. I really wanted to share the experience with Nick. As our free weekends were numbered, camping was out of the question, but I found one free Sunday & we made our plans.
I could see the day clearly. We would leave the house by 9. Arrive by lunch. Enjoy raspberry shakes at a diner. Play on the beach for few hours of blissful summertime fun and then bring home 3 sleepy, sandy kids. Because Hogan was so limited in his activities over the winter, I thought it would be nice to let him come swimming too. I was sure he would have a great time & thank me by sleeping by my side of the bed.
8:30 The day is starting off great! Nick & I do an imaginary 'high five' when we realized the kids were fed & ready to go. Ahead of schedule!
8:31 Dad calls. Since his calls are never long, I answer.
8:35 I join Nick in the garage where he is loading the car.
8:36 Nick rolls his eyes when I ask where the dog is & curtly replies he is around.
8:40 I take the kids in the car to try to find the dog while Nick goes on foot.
9:15 Gimpy was found happily treeing a squirrel & stuck on the wrong side of a fence.
11:45 Arrive at Bear Lake without further incident. We've missed the feeding window & the kids are a little grumpy.
11:47 First bathroom break for Greta.
11:55 Arrive at restaurant. Since it is Sunday, there are two restaurants to choose from. Both with long lines. Get Hogan out of car.
11:57 Greta's body language suggests that she has absolutely no interest in walking Hogan with me while Nick, Charlie & Ella get to stand in line.
12:00 Hogan goes back in the car.
12:15 Second bathroom break for Greta. No success.
12:30 Food arrives.
12:31 Third bathroom break for Greta.
12:36 Fourth bathroom break for Greta.
12:50 Fifth bathroom break for Greta & we are ready to hit the road.
{dispute between Pilot & Co-Pilot as to directions from brother-in-law}
1:15 Call brother-in-law & turn car around
1:30 Arrive at beach! Apparently all the rain in June raised the lake level & removed quite a bit of the beach. Now, it is about 10 feet wide.
People are packed more closely than I was expecting. Regretting that we brought the dog.
1:35 Hogan begins acting like a colicky baby. He won't stop barking unless I am walking him.
1:36 Greta declares she is starving.
1:37 Hogan declares he is starving.

Momentary Bliss (do you see Greta & Charlie saying "nanny nanny boo boo")!
2:05 Charlie begins crying that he wants his clothes back on.
2:07 Ella begins crying that she hurt her little toe.
2:15 Greta cries for no apparent reason while Hogan continues to bark.
2:30 We start packing up. Kids don't cry when we tell them it's time to leave.
2:47 A fully dressed Charlie falls into the water. And cries.
2:55 Dress Charlie in Greta's pink clothes & start home.
It was an exhausting day. Not at all like I imagined. I felt so badly that Nick's day off was so draining.
We stopped for pizza on the way home. Nick asked the kids if they had fun & surprisingly they all squealed "yes." Favorite part of the day?
Ella - getting dirty in the sand
Greta - swimming all day
Charlie - eating pizza (he is so in the now)
My favorite part? When we got back in the car, I expected Nick to complain about how poorly the day had gone. Instead, he merely said "Next time, the dog stays home."
Next year. Two four-year olds & a seven year old. No potty training. No missed nap times. I can already imagine it now.
My must-do event was Bear Lake. The last two summers, the kids & I have gone to Bear Lake with Jessica & Kevin. We always have fun (even that time Charlie got car sick all the way home). The lake has gorgeous blue warm water, there is a really big sand bar so the kids can play, they have the best raspberry shakes & its only a 2 hour drive from home. I really wanted to share the experience with Nick. As our free weekends were numbered, camping was out of the question, but I found one free Sunday & we made our plans.
I could see the day clearly. We would leave the house by 9. Arrive by lunch. Enjoy raspberry shakes at a diner. Play on the beach for few hours of blissful summertime fun and then bring home 3 sleepy, sandy kids. Because Hogan was so limited in his activities over the winter, I thought it would be nice to let him come swimming too. I was sure he would have a great time & thank me by sleeping by my side of the bed.
8:30 The day is starting off great! Nick & I do an imaginary 'high five' when we realized the kids were fed & ready to go. Ahead of schedule!
8:31 Dad calls. Since his calls are never long, I answer.
8:35 I join Nick in the garage where he is loading the car.
8:36 Nick rolls his eyes when I ask where the dog is & curtly replies he is around.
8:40 I take the kids in the car to try to find the dog while Nick goes on foot.
9:15 Gimpy was found happily treeing a squirrel & stuck on the wrong side of a fence.
11:45 Arrive at Bear Lake without further incident. We've missed the feeding window & the kids are a little grumpy.
11:47 First bathroom break for Greta.
11:55 Arrive at restaurant. Since it is Sunday, there are two restaurants to choose from. Both with long lines. Get Hogan out of car.
11:57 Greta's body language suggests that she has absolutely no interest in walking Hogan with me while Nick, Charlie & Ella get to stand in line.
12:00 Hogan goes back in the car.
12:15 Second bathroom break for Greta. No success.
12:30 Food arrives.
12:31 Third bathroom break for Greta.
12:36 Fourth bathroom break for Greta.
12:50 Fifth bathroom break for Greta & we are ready to hit the road.
{dispute between Pilot & Co-Pilot as to directions from brother-in-law}
1:15 Call brother-in-law & turn car around
1:30 Arrive at beach! Apparently all the rain in June raised the lake level & removed quite a bit of the beach. Now, it is about 10 feet wide.

People are packed more closely than I was expecting. Regretting that we brought the dog.
1:35 Hogan begins acting like a colicky baby. He won't stop barking unless I am walking him.
1:36 Greta declares she is starving.
1:37 Hogan declares he is starving.

Momentary Bliss (do you see Greta & Charlie saying "nanny nanny boo boo")!
2:05 Charlie begins crying that he wants his clothes back on.
2:07 Ella begins crying that she hurt her little toe.
2:15 Greta cries for no apparent reason while Hogan continues to bark.
2:30 We start packing up. Kids don't cry when we tell them it's time to leave.
2:47 A fully dressed Charlie falls into the water. And cries.
2:55 Dress Charlie in Greta's pink clothes & start home.
It was an exhausting day. Not at all like I imagined. I felt so badly that Nick's day off was so draining.
We stopped for pizza on the way home. Nick asked the kids if they had fun & surprisingly they all squealed "yes." Favorite part of the day?
Ella - getting dirty in the sand
Greta - swimming all day
Charlie - eating pizza (he is so in the now)
My favorite part? When we got back in the car, I expected Nick to complain about how poorly the day had gone. Instead, he merely said "Next time, the dog stays home."
Next year. Two four-year olds & a seven year old. No potty training. No missed nap times. I can already imagine it now.
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