I'm working through my summer photos & decided most of them will be posted out of order. While it is very easy to make blogger back-date a post, my words are in the present tense so I'm keeping the posts out of order.
This summer, we knew Nick was being considered for the Albuquerque job & he was sure he it would start in early summer. Of course he didn't even get the job until late August, but by mid-April, I still didn't have any summer plans for the kids. I missed the chance to sign Ella up for many of the camps she attended last summer.

As I was looking for options, I remembered Bad Dog Rediscovers America. One of the benefits of being in Junior League is that you are exposed to a lot of non-profit organizations in the city. They had a couple of partner camps with the Utah Museum of Natural History which is a short distance from my office. I am so glad I signed Ella up for the camp - they were two of her favorite weeks this summer (though honestly, she loved every camp).

Her second week of camp was "girls only". They studied female artists in the morning & had female scientists work with them in the afternoon. Through work, I've had the opportunity to meet some great people with the State government. There is a big push to keep girls in math & science fields after high school and I think programs like this one that weave science and art together are fantastic.

As someone who like photography (perhaps too much), I can appreciate how art forces your brain to look at situations with a fresh perspective. I am very grateful that our school has such a strong art program. I love that New Mexico is so focused on the arts (well, maybe not the public schools). Santa Fe is an artists mecca. I can't wait to take Ella to the Georgia O'Keefe museum.
At the end of the week of camp, the kids have an art show and then bring home their portfolio.

She insisted that I pick up Greta & Charlie early enough that they could come enjoy her work. They were duly impressed.

This summer, we knew Nick was being considered for the Albuquerque job & he was sure he it would start in early summer. Of course he didn't even get the job until late August, but by mid-April, I still didn't have any summer plans for the kids. I missed the chance to sign Ella up for many of the camps she attended last summer.

As I was looking for options, I remembered Bad Dog Rediscovers America. One of the benefits of being in Junior League is that you are exposed to a lot of non-profit organizations in the city. They had a couple of partner camps with the Utah Museum of Natural History which is a short distance from my office. I am so glad I signed Ella up for the camp - they were two of her favorite weeks this summer (though honestly, she loved every camp).

Her second week of camp was "girls only". They studied female artists in the morning & had female scientists work with them in the afternoon. Through work, I've had the opportunity to meet some great people with the State government. There is a big push to keep girls in math & science fields after high school and I think programs like this one that weave science and art together are fantastic.

As someone who like photography (perhaps too much), I can appreciate how art forces your brain to look at situations with a fresh perspective. I am very grateful that our school has such a strong art program. I love that New Mexico is so focused on the arts (well, maybe not the public schools). Santa Fe is an artists mecca. I can't wait to take Ella to the Georgia O'Keefe museum.
At the end of the week of camp, the kids have an art show and then bring home their portfolio.

She insisted that I pick up Greta & Charlie early enough that they could come enjoy her work. They were duly impressed.

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