The house is listed & looking spiffy. We are 4 days into the routine & the kids are being very good about making beds, putting toys away & generally dealing with the disruption to their routine. I remember that selling our last home was a stressful experience, but this is worse.
Trying to figure out where to live in New Mexico is complicated. While there aren't many homes on the market in our price point in our neighborhood, we don't know how many people are seriously looking at buying a home right now. If the home doesn't sell until the spring, do we stay here while Nick works in NM? Would our house show well empty? Do we wait until after Thanksgiving to move? Do we sign a three month lease in NM or opt for a less comfortable cheaper alternative (without a three month commitment) in a less desirable part of town? How does our temporary housing affect Ella's public school options? The list of unknowns is overwhelming.
With the house on the market, I'm turning my attention to the thousands of photos from the last six weeks. Hope to have some new ones posted soon.
Now, I'm off to find a statue of St. Joseph.
You will succeed Krista! It is the waiting and uncertainty that is the hardest part! - Shauna
Your house looks gorgeous. Hope the weekend showings are going well. It's hard to figure out all the unknowns but things WILL start to fall into place! Sending peace and love your way!
Your house is someone's DREAM house. You have a long list of unknowns...take it all minute by minute and know it will all work out as its supposed to! I am thinking of you! xoxo
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