Charlie & Greta were just the teeniest bit excited for their birthday party. It was touch & go, but in the end, they both withdrew the various YOUR NOT INVITED TO MY BIRTHDAY PARTY threats.

They were very excited that Nina was in town for their party this year. And, they were thrilled that their party was at Bouncin' Off the Walls. The ultimate party bounce center.

Typical Charlie face when he is embarrassed.
Typical Greta face when she is embarrassed.
We had enough tiaras for all the girls, but Greta decided she only wanted one person to wear one.
Love how happy they look!
We had a crazy pre-party day getting the house ready to sell. I realized too late that I had run out of icing. But, I saw a real simple suggestion to use marshmallows as a topping. Mine did not look cute. Even the kids skipped them.
Singing to Charlie.
Hayden going in for the kill.
Happy Birthday Charlie & Greta!
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