We had such a great October. We were able to do so many of the activities on our Halloween Fun List. Of course, we didn't do them all as a family, but the kids had a lot of fun thanks to babysitters and good friends. For instance, I'm borrowing all these photos from the fabulous Kim. I'm just too tired to think about posting Halloween photos right now and I want this special time between Ella & Tia memorialized.
Kim generously took Ella & Tia to Black Island Farms. Love this creative photo!

Kim, your photos are fabulous! As much as Ella loves her siblings, it is great to see her out & about & having fun with kids her own age. She's growing up so fast.
Life is moving along quickly here. Nick flies home Friday night for a weekend full of moving activities.
I've been in busy mode selling the TV, both toddler beds, kitchen chairs & bar stools. Yeah, pretty much everything we use on a daily basis.
But, the kids are adapting. I was surprised there was no fuss about losing the TV (and only two instances of watching TV on the web). This weekend will be a mad rush to get a long to-do list finished before Nick leaves on Sunday night.
Monday morning the movers come to start packing us up. These good-byes, even temporary ones, are going to be tough on all of us.
1 comment:
Oh man. Now I'm crying!
That last photo probably shows about how your life feels right now, huh?? We love you guys!!
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