Ready for the week? Hope your weekend was as fabulous as ours. Tons of fun with family in town. Until I download those photos, let's visit another lovely weekend.

We are starting to come up with names for the various parks we visit. We have the "Jesse Park", the "Dog Park Park" and now, the lockdown park. The kids saw the park as we were driving home one day. On an early Friday pick up, we decided to try out the new park. It was tricky finding a way into the park - lots of fences everywhere. But, Ella pointed to an open gate & we drove in. Fast forward 45 minutes. The storm clouds were moving in, it was starting to get dark & the kids (and Hogan) were getting hungry. As we started to leave, I realized we were locked in. And it was getting cold.
I called Nick thinking that he would need to come pick us up. That phone call? Frustrating. Let's just say he's not going to find work as an emergency response operator.
I was on the phone with Nick for what felt like a very long time trying to figure out how to contact the school security. While he was investigating, I sat watching all the cars drive by us. The kids later told me that Charlie was in the car wondering whether they would be able to go to the bathroom before Monday morning when the school reopened. Thankfully, a security guard came by before Nick called the police. It was an adventure - an extremely stressful one for me.

Now, when we stop by the park, the kids are quick to point out parking spots outside the danger zone of the gates.
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