It's that time of year. For every beautiful spring day, Mother Nature reminds you she's in control. In Utah, it was the crazy Spring snowstorms. Here, it's the vicious wind (wind + sand= yuck). Those not-so-perfect Spring days are depressing.

But, I set a gratitude goal this month which includes not letting crummy weather bring me down. After a crazy month at work and Nick's upcoming heavy-duty May travel schedule, it was starting to feel impossible to create a calm, constant environment for the kids at home. It's taken over two weeks to get back into a routine after last month's trial and it will all change again once Nick's starts traveling.
We are really trying to maximize our family time this month. The gratitude goal originated after learning of a friend's illness. Through the craziness of social media, most of us are in contact with old classmates we otherwise only see at reunions every other decade. Through facebook, I learned that one of my high school classmates is battling breast cancer for a second time - before she turned 40. I've been reading her journal with amazement and sadness.
In one of her posts, she lists three reasons she's grateful for the day. It's something I mean to do more often. Today, I am grateful for:
1. My kids who are trying their best to be their best.
2. A house that is finally starting to feel like a home.
3. A husband who truly wants me to be happy.
Here's to seeing the beauty and joy in your everyday.
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