I feel like such a scrooge, but I am happy Halloween is over for the year. We've been on pumpkin overload. The decorations were out early.

We hosted a mini-Halloween craft party to kick off the month.
We rented a limo with friends for a night on the town. I've only been in limos for weddings and airplane transports. They've all been very nice. This one smelled like a bar the day after a big evening. Stagnant smoke. It also had fabulously low ceilings & windows that wouldn't open. I felt so claustrophobic when I stepped inside. The kids thought we were glamourous though.
But, it was a fun night (and yes, we are the ones in the lamest costumes). New Mexico is having a very bad football season (hence the bag over the fans face). He kept that bag on all night.
We had fun playing at Kiley & Alyssa's Halloween Party (Greta, costume #1).
We enjoyed Spooky Story Night at School (Greta, costume #2) while Nick was out of town (one of 4 times he was out of town this month).

We had all sorts of parties & storybook character parades at school today (Ella, Captain Nobody, Greta, costume #3, Charlie Gordon the Dragon).
We carved pumpkins.

For the main event, Ella channeled my lame costuming abilities and went as "Someone in Pajamas With a Mustache". Greta's costume #4 is Barbie Cheerleader with black lipstick. Charlie stuck with a classic Batman ensemble. Next year, the girls are going as mummies or vampires. Their favorite part of the costume is the make-up.

We had a lot of fun at the neighborhood party bobbing for apples

& playing with friends.

The kids had a great time on running the streets on this fabulously mild night.

I distributed nearly 20 pounds of candy while the kids were out walking with Nick. Ella came home early to help me & also sort their collection.

Before bedtime, there was a call to Uncle K to see what his favorites were. Tomorrow, I'm off to Salt Lake City for three jam packed work days.
Here's hoping all the candy is gone when I return! We've started the countdown to Disney. And, with Christmas just around the corner, I've started thinking about shopping and advent calendar surprises.
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