January was not as productive as I had hoped. I started strong & then got swamped with life. We did, however, knock out some valentines.

First up, Ella's class. On the verge of being too cool {temporarily} for hearts & love, this holiday is saved by candy. She decided to make mustache & lips tootsie pop holders. We used this template & cut the design out of foam.
Charlie signed all of his cards WITHOUT COMPLAINING this year. Such a milestone! And he was done so quickly. Love how he signed his "CHARLES."
I downloaded this template (she has lots of fun designs) and printed them as photos at costco. The toads are from a party store (.30 each was a bit pricer than I wanted, but I decided it wasn't worth visiting another store looking for them at a cheaper price).
Miss Greta's crayons were the most time consuming. All the kids helped with this project. We followed the directions from this site. I had to modify the end result a bit. First, I don't have her fancy machine so my heart punch (Michael's on sale). was too small to use the same heart mold she recommended. So, I picked up the brownie bite silicone mold from Michael's (with a 40% off coupon). I also didn't have the fancy stamp so I used clear address labels to print "Valentine" and "You color my world." Greta signed the backs. We used old twine and the same sticky tabs from the toads.

Finally, I wanted to do something nice for the teachers. I downloaded this image and changed the color scheme in photoshop. They were printed as 5X7's at costco. I grabbed a few extra coffee holders when I picked up the gift cards. Very fast, simple & cute!
If we can get Charlie & Greta's shoeboxes decorated this weekend, I will feel like we are on the ball! Now, I just need a little something for my Valentine & to put some finishing touches on surprises for my mini-Valentines!
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