Kristaclicks's bookshelf: read
fun. kind of an updated charlie & the chocolate factory for gamers (though I am not a gamer & still enjoyed it).
the cover says she's one of our generations best authors. I wouldn't go that far. but, if i had picked this book up at the airport, I would have finished it before i landed in my destination. i flight would have passed quickly & I would ...
4.5 stars. very different from anything i have read lately. love the detail & the cliff hanger ending. I can't believe I've been sucked into another trilogy.
3.5 stars. parts of the book i really enjoyed & other parts weren't as well written. unique premise.
this is the kind of book you would pick up at the airport and be happy with your decision. 3.5 stars. a romantic novel where the main character is extremely socially awkward.
like gone girl, but less mean. the main character makes stupid choices, but if she didn't, we really wouldn't have a story. a perfect beach/vacation read.
if sandra bullock landed on mars. a must read for any sci-fi fan. amazing details that went over my head.
finally found a gaiman book that i liked. poetic with a touch of mystical.
i think the best part of the book is the title. it was kind of like a diet book. you know what she's going to tell you, but changing your behavior is tricky.
solid 3.5 stars. felt very young adult. i'm not a big fan fiction person so that part of the book was a bit lost on me. but, oh how i loved the characters. i want to know more of their story.
reads like a movie. a bit long, but enjoyable (in a depressing world view kind of way).
tugged at my heart. didn't feel like a ya book until the end. very well written. i felt like an awkward teenager reading the first half of the book.
like groundhog day, but not as funny. hard to follow at first, but an interesting view on how large & small decisions impact our lives.
creepy summer adventure. would have been the perfect read for me in 8th grade.
a page turner. moriarty does such a good job taking realistic characters & situations & taking them to the extreme
the author did a great job describing a marriage in the 1960's. from a storyline, i preferred What Alice Forgot.
WWII from the perspective of a young russian jew. the scenes depicting the atrocities of war were hard to read. overall, i'm glad i read this book.
moriarty's characters are very relatable at this time in my life. always interesting discussions with friends after finishing her books.
easy to read & thought provoking.
i loved the mystical aspects of this book. kept putting the book done to finish others though.
fascinating book/life of the author. her blunt style of writing worked well with the content of her story.
interesting, but i liked some of his other books better.
read out loud with the kids. 2 out of 3 mesmerized (after years of resisting reading the book).
my pre-teen is really into dystopian books. i read this before passing it to her. i liked the characters & their decision making. fast read.
not sure how much i liked this one. book club read. i'm glad i read it, but it wouldn't be a top recommendation.
i'm not sure what all the fuss was. i didn't think the book read like the back summary. false advertising!
i wish i could unread this book. while the author is very talented, it was too depressing for me (and too long to keep me interested). was anyone in the book happy?
i didn't realize this was YA. i guess that explains why i read it so quickly. still a lovely book & beautiful love story
a bit long at times, but a remarkable story